Our partners are so important as we accomplish our goals. 

Prayer Requests

2023 Junior Rookie Program

Safety and learning of all participants at the site

Wisdom and leadership in our directors

Trust and patience as God builds and directs our program

Become a Volunteer

Are you looking for a local mission for your church/youth group? Maybe you are just looking to spend a day outdoors working with your hands. No matter your motivation, we would love to bring you on as a FTFT Rookie volunteer. If this sounds like you, fill out the form below so we can keep you updated with volunteer needs.

We are always excited to bring on extra hands. As you can imagine, maintaining a farm of this size takes a lot of time and management. We accept individuals and groups as part of our volunteer program. We do our best to match our needs with your God-given gifts when placing each individual in a specific job.

Volunteer Opportunities/duties

  • Work closely with our teen workers to maintain the garden (i.e. weeding, irrigation, plant care, etc.)

  • Site cleanup and renovation (organization, mowing, trimming, staking, etc.)

  • Special projects as needed