
What we do:

We are a 501c3 nonprofit program that provides students, ages 13-17, with a summer job. In the past we have contracted with a local organic grain farmer and sent the students out to pull weeds by hand in the fields. A daily Bible lesson is done with the youth as part of the work day.

In the summer of 2017, Tower Community Fellowship Church located at 1800 S. Tower Rd. Aurora, CO agreed to let us use a 1 acre parcel of ground to grow vegetables.  Over the next 4 summers we hope to be able to sell the produce from this garden to the local community.

Our Focus: 

With the ever-changing and growing of technology, young adults are having a hard time with establishing good work ethics. Our focus is to provide a job to those teenagers to help them establish those work ethics, using the Biblical principles, which will help them in future careers.